DJI Drone
An app for consumer drones
School Project
INST711: Interaction Design Studio
One Week in Oct ’21
Tools used
Project Description:
Create an application that consists of at least 3 dark patterns using a component Library created by a colleague.

The idea behind this project was to learn how to work with Component Libraries created by fellow teammates or past workers. Also, understand the concept of Dark Patterns and how they are used in the current real-life scenarios.
Component Library
by Zahra
The component Library that was passed onto me was created by Zahra which was made for an app for Movie voting app.
Note: This is an interaction design project. This does not contain any UX work or research.
Analysis of the App Screens
Home Screen
The home screen has a header for the most commonly bought product so that users get a feel of the range of products offered by the Drone manufacturing company. The Add to Cart buttons are highlighted in the primary colors of the app to emphasize users' attention on them and promote Call to Action.

Product Screen
The slider has been added with fly animation which resembles “a drone flying”. Product features or parts have been showcased using a simple drag animation where the users can the parts inside the particular drone. Related products have been added for the user to go and check around other products from the manufacturer.

Checkout Screen
Simple to use checkout screen with a clear understanding of the cart and other information like Delivery and Payment options.
Dark Patterns
Privacy Zuckering
The first pattern used in the app is Privacy Zuckering. When it comes to remarketing and data collection, location plays an important role in understanding the basic demographics of the user. So when the user shows some interest by clicking on a particular product, a pop-up is showcased to get the user their drone flying license. This is relevant to the product and also promotes the user to share their location (This is because the license is separate for each state in the United States.)

The second Dark Pattern used in this app (multiple times) is confirm shaming. Whenever a dialog box is showcased, the user is skewed to go with the desired selection with quirky language.

A first dialog box is when the user is asked for their location, “I don't want a license, I Can Fly” is used to promote them to share their location with the app.

A second dialog box is when they try and remove the Care product the company gives as repair insurance. “This means you will not be insured if you crash your drone.” and “I TRUST MY DRIVING SKILLS” are used to second guess the user when they are trying to remove it from the cart.

Hidden Costs
When the user adds any product to their cart, insurance has been directly added to the cart which the user will have to manually remove. Additionally, Delivery charges and Taxes are added at the last moment before the user confirms to pay for the product. This enables the client to get more information about the user until they get to know the final price of the product.