👋 Hey there, Janush here
I was 11 years old when I first thought of making a small game on my computer. Without knowing the technical details on how to make a game I just downloaded a random software and made an interface to a very basic ball game. Since then I have been on a journey to build something whenever I can. For me the definition of building is just to create. That can be my instagram posts about sports that I use making photoshop or working on one of the premier fantasy sports application back in India.

I have my majors in Computer Science & Engineering, but for some reason I always think about the end users when I am creating anything. So my attention shifted to working for the users. Therefore I am currently pursuing my Master's in Human Computer Interaction at University of Maryland.

My mind is usually all over the place and therefore I work on random things. But I guess I love that about myself. Here is a small showcase of what I do when I am in my zone.
I have too many hours on Valorant and I now use it to coach semi-professionals. I also analyze and write about data and gameplay in professional games
Sports Design
I love watching sports and I just like putting my emotions on photoshop. I mean this landed me a temporary job as well and I still dabble onto photoshop every now and then.
Marvel Fan
Iron Man, Captain America, Dr. Strange....got me into doing something related to visual effects.
Motion Posters
Let's just say after dabbing into visual effects I wanted to mix that with sports designs, so I think I did something with the designs I was already making on photoshop.
Digital Art
I suck at this but I still like to do some or the other things using my basic sketching skills. I think these eventually help me when I create lo-fi wireframes for my projects.