Twelfth Man
India’s Premier Fantasy Sports App
NxGn Sports Interactive
My role
Lead Product Designer
Jan - Mar '21
Tools used
Adobe XD and Invision
About the Project
Twelfth Man is a fantasy football app that was released in May 2020. Users select 11 players from real-world sports in their teams and compete with other users. Points are given to the real-world players based on their performances, and users can win cash prizes worth Crores.
Business Problem Statement
The problem with the app was a high user churn despite heavy investment in marketing campaigns. The idea was to identify choke points in the onboarding process through competitor analysis. The user interface was then required to be redesigned to improve onboarding and reduce churn while increasing engagement and revenue.
Project Goals
Reduce user churn rate
Improve onboarding process
Increase user engagement
Enhance user interface design
Boost revenue growth
Research Methods
Market Analysis
User flow Map
Stakeholder Interviews
Current Design Inspection
Information Architecture
Usability Testing
The research conducted for the project yielded valuable insights and led to the identification of several key issues in the user experience. Competitor analysis helped identify gaps in the market, while user flow maps and stakeholder interviews informed the creation of an improved information architecture. Design inspections and usability testing provided actionable feedback, leading to a successful redesign that increased engagement, reduced churn, and improved revenue growth.
After conducting customer interviews, we distilled the insights and developed a customer persona and journey. The client was presented with and reviewed these materials. This process provided a strong starting point for generating and prioritizing features.
Account Creation
The login and signup screens have been simplified to enhance the user experience. The design features clear and concise fields, guiding users through the process with ease. This streamlined approach eliminates unnecessary clutter, reducing the time and effort needed to complete the login or signup process.
Simplified Team Selection
We simplified the contest joining process and added detailed fantasy data. The new design features clear calls-to-action and concise form fields, making it easier for users to join contests. The detailed fantasy data is now prominently displayed, allowing users to make informed decisions.
Improved User Wallet Experience
The new design now breaks down the wallet into three categories: deposits, winnings, and bonus money. This simplifies the process for users, allowing them to easily track their funds. This improved the user experience by providing more clarity and transparency in financial transactions.
Gamification to increase retention
We added a gamification feature to TwelfthMan's user profiles by introducing bonuses and a ranking system. Users can earn bonuses by completing certain tasks. The ranking system displays each user's position relative to others in the community, adding a competitive element and motivating users to increase their activity. These additions increased user engagement and retention, making the platform more compelling for users.
Feedback and Results
After redesigning TwelfthMan's user experience, including simplifying the login and signup process, streamlining the contest joining process, restructuring the wallet section, and introducing gamification features to the user profile, we launched the new app. The results were impressive.

The churn rate decreased by 30%, indicating that users were more engaged and satisfied with the new design.

Additionally, the cost of acquisition was reduced by 52%, resulting in significant cost savings for the company.

These improvements were likely due to the increased clarity and ease-of-use of the redesigned app, as well as the added gamification features which incentivized users to remain active and engaged. The success of the app redesign demonstrates the importance of user experience in driving user engagement and retention, as well as the potential for cost savings through improved design and user engagement.